Wonder Woman #17

While Wonder Woman spends more time with her newborn on Themyscira talking about the baby's father to her daughter, movements against the Sovereign continue in her absence. After dragging the secret organization into the light with the help of Detective Chimp and Clark Kent, this time it's Wonder Girls who stop by for a visit taking out the Sovereign's protection by taking down several of the super-villains hired in their fight against Wonder Woman.

Just as Diana confounded the Sovereign, so now do Donna, Cassie, and Yara whose ability to work together proves far too much for the various Wonder Woman enemies assembled under the Sovereign's banner. There's some fun action featuring each of the three ladies working in tandem to take down the Sovereign. By the end of the issue, the Sovereign's sanctuary is in rubble (albeit more from the questionable decision-making of Giganta than the Wonder Girls), many of its warriors stand defeated, and Henry Charles is on the run. And all of this without Diana lifting a finger.

[DC, $4.99]

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