Awesome Characters - Agent XXX
There are characters we fall in love with. The perfect mix of actor and writer that breathes magic onto the screen or inside the television.
Who's your favorite Bond Girl? That's a question with so many possible answers you might have the conversation (or more likely heated argument) for hours. There have been several through the years I have enjoyed, but one who always ranks near the top of my list is Major Anya Amasova.
The KGB's top spy, Agent XXX not only gets the drop on James Bond (Roger Moore) when they first meet in The Spy Who Loved Me, but at times proves to be his equal, possibly even his better (even if she can't quite decide whether or kill the British Secret Agent for murdering her former lover or sleep with him).
Most Bond girls fall into one of three categories: those who sleep with Bond and meet a bitter end, those who are saved and go off into the sunset with the British Secret Agent, and those bad girls who try their best to kill (many times after sleeping with him). Agent XXX is one of the few non femme fatales from the Bond series that is a match for Bond both in and out of the bedroom.
Barbara Bach played Agent XXX in The Spy Who Loved Me (the best of Moore's run as Bond) and although the film was made 35 years ago she proved that no one does it better.

Who's your favorite Bond Girl? That's a question with so many possible answers you might have the conversation (or more likely heated argument) for hours. There have been several through the years I have enjoyed, but one who always ranks near the top of my list is Major Anya Amasova.
The KGB's top spy, Agent XXX not only gets the drop on James Bond (Roger Moore) when they first meet in The Spy Who Loved Me, but at times proves to be his equal, possibly even his better (even if she can't quite decide whether or kill the British Secret Agent for murdering her former lover or sleep with him).
Most Bond girls fall into one of three categories: those who sleep with Bond and meet a bitter end, those who are saved and go off into the sunset with the British Secret Agent, and those bad girls who try their best to kill (many times after sleeping with him). Agent XXX is one of the few non femme fatales from the Bond series that is a match for Bond both in and out of the bedroom.
Barbara Bach played Agent XXX in The Spy Who Loved Me (the best of Moore's run as Bond) and although the film was made 35 years ago she proved that no one does it better.