Scott Pilgrim vs. the Blu-ray

The Blu-ray version of the movie is loaded with extras including multiple audio commentary tracks, featurettes on the making of the film as well as its look and sound, alternative footage, deleted scenes (with director commentary), bloopers, along with standard BD Live extras, a copy of the film on DVD, and the ability to stream either Pitch Black or Tremors for free.
My two favorite extras are the optional pop-up panels which allow the viewer to compare the film to the original comic (very cool, although they take up slightly too much room on the screen), and the film's original ending. I commented in my review of the film how I felt Wright, in several key moments, pushed the Scott/Knives relationship by playing on the two characters similarities. The theatrical ending, although more in-line with the comic, felt slightly out-of-place. It seems I was right. I think both endings work for different reasons, but the inclusion of Knives in the final fight with Gideon, along with a couple key lines from Ramona about the pair, make the original ending feel a little more natural to me.
Whichever ending you prefer, if you enjoyed the movie in theaters you've got to pick it up on Blu-ray. Packed with action, comedy, and tons of extras, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is even better on home video than it was in theaters.