Power Girl #13

Power Girl is a character that takes a bit of love to do right. She's far from the most interesting DC character, often being pigeonholed as the "other" Supergirl, the lost girl, or the spunky sexpot, but there is a character in there worth exploring. I've stayed away from this series since the first issue which I found largely forgettable. But this new direction has me intrigued.
Issue #13 brings in the new team of Judd Winick and artist Sam Basri. Both are good choices. First, Basri's art shows off the character without making you feel like a perv. And Winick immediately ties in the series to the current Maxwell Lord storyline from Justice League: Generation Lost to add to the daily confusion and craziness that Power Girl must handle.
Wait, am I talking about the plot of a Power Girl comic? Holey Moley! Aside from the Lord arc we also get some genuinely funny moments of Power Girl out of costume like the one above (there are so many good panels in this issue it was hard for me to choose which one to use).
Winick's Power Girl is conflicted about her relationship with the JLI and her feelings for her former teammates Booster Gold and Maxwell Lord. Character first (wow, don't remember if I've ever said that about a Power Girl comic before). It appears that Winick has also found a loophole to bring another former Leaguer into the hunt for Maxwell Lord, but we'll have to wait until next month to find out for sure. And you know what, I'm looking forward to it (yeah, can't remember saying that before either). Worth a look.
[DC $2.99]