White Collar - Burke's Seven

White Collar returned last week with a strong mid-season opener which answered several questions (such as what happened to Mozzie, and who wants the music box) as well as unite several supporting characters to come to Peter's (Tim DeKay) defense after he's framed for a crime which would ruin his entire career.

To help take down the man who shot Mozzie (Willie Garson) and framed Peter, Burke and McCaffrey (Matthew Bomer) put together a little team to run a con on one of the deadliest assassins in the world (Paul Blackthorne). The episode provides some laughs, returns Hilarie Burton as sultry insurance investigator Sara Ellis, and finally gives us the first real clue to the music box and the man behind Neal Caffrey's nightmare.

I've missed this show while it's been off the air, and it's first episode back certainly doesn't disappoint. I'm looking forward to the rest of Season Two.

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