Leverage – The Long Way Down Job

Leverage kicks off its Fourth Season by sending the team up a mountain to help a widow (Haley Talbot) stop her husbands' business partner (Cameron Daddo) from mortgage fraud which is costing hundreds of people their homes every day. The trouble is the only proof, if it even exists, is a notebook on the dead man's body lost on the top of a mountain.
Although the con itself isn't fancy the locale gives this season opener a unique feel. I also like Parker (Beth Riesgraf) and Elliot (Christian Kane) commenting that they've already "stolen a mountain" when Nate spouts off his trademark line.
Although it looks like Nate and Sophie (Gina Bellman) are putting their one-night fling it the past (we'll see how well that works), I like that we see a little movement on the Parker/Hardison (Aldis Hodge) relationship which I hope we'll get much more of this season.
A solid opening all-around which ends on a bit of a cliffhanger by teasing us that someone else out there, who may be an old foe with an axe to grind, is out for out team of thieves turned good Samaritans. I'm looking to see where Season Four takes us from here.