Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sleepy Hollow - For the Triumph of Evil...

When her sister's former psychiatrist (Mary Kraft) commits suicide during what could be called a waking dream, Abbie (Nicole Beharie) and Ichabod Crane (Tom Mison) begin looking into the case of Jenny Mills (Lyndie Greenwood) and why the psychiatrist's last act on Earth was to apologize to Abbie for keeping her committed even though the doctor knew the demon the woman saw when she was a child was all too real.

When Jenny refuses to talk with her sister, Ichabod visits the troubled young woman in her room in the asylum which causes Ichabod to question what exactly came between the Mills sisters when Abbie refused to back her sister's horror story about what happened to the pair as children. The man who found the young girls all those years ago, and the only other person to see the demon in the woods, commits suicide while his dreams are twisted by the Sandman, but before doing so he warns Abbie that she will be his the next victim.

Needing assistance, Abbie and Ichabod call on the closest thing they can find to a Native American shaman (Alex Livinalli) who tells them the only way to fight the Sandman is to face her fears and confront her past mistakes in the dreamworld. Unwilling to let Abbie go alone, Ichabod accompanies the deputy on her journey through some mystical tea and the sting of a scorpion.

The dream journey further bonds the pair in their monster hunting of the week misadventures as well as gives us a more intriguing villain that preys on its victims' own guilt and past mistakes. I like Lynwood, and the character of Jenny adds yet another perspective to the show. Orlando Jones' cameos as Captain Frank Irving and the rest of Sleepy Hollow's police force, especially Nicholas Gonzalez as Abbie's old flame, are beyond useless at this point and the police department could definitely use an appearance from the Headless Horseman to get rid of some of the show's dead weight.

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