Reacher - What Happens in Atlantic City

As Reacher (Alan Ritchson) continues to look into the death of an old friend, he gets the band back together by tracking down those members of the 110th Special Investigators Unit he can find before heading off to Las Vegas in search of two more old friends who have gone missing. "What Happens in Atlantic City" is most notable for the addition of Dixon (Serinda Swann) to Reacher's posse and for Reacher taking strong measures towards the man, and his car, who has been tailing them not realizing it's a cop (a thread which will be picked up in the next episode). Considering what Reacher and Dixon do to the other men they catch following them later in the episode, the cop got off easy.

Although the unit is a bit rusty, they are able to get some answers from the girlfriend of one of their missing friends leading the group to a casino where two members of the unit were working as private security. It doesn't take long for the season to tease us about the feelings Reacher and Dixon have been carrying around for years before throwing the pair together in the sack making the trip to Vegas not a complete bust as our former soldiers leave the desert without any new leads as to who is targeting their friends or why. Elsewhere, our assassin continues his travels, we see the first appearance of Robert Patrick as the shadowy figure behind events, and we get more flashbacks to the unit's big smuggling case.

  • Title: Reacher - What Happens in Atlantic City
  • IMDb: link
  • Title: Reacher - What Happens in Atlantic City
  • IMDb: link

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