Saturday, October 5, 2013

Daredevil: Dark Nights #5

The second-half of writer/artist David Lapham's story about Daredevil chasing around a 10-inch imp around New York City doesn't have quite the same zany feel given the murder of Buggit's friend in the final panel of last month's issue. Although the odd little man had good intentions to help his friend escape a murder conviction, his actions actually directly led to the murder.

With no time, and various distractions in his way such as the Shocker who escapes police custody and a giant monster in the middle of Manhattan the Avengers are trying to contain, Daredevil once again chasing the little man through the city. The difference this time is Buggit has strapped himself with a suicide bomb and is out to make sure the mobster who had his friend killed pays for it.

Although the end is far too tidy (and convenient) for my tastes, and the second issue isn't as fun as the first, the mini-series second arc kept my interest all the way through the end (which is more than I can say for the first arc). For fans.

[Marvel, $2.99]

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