Monday, January 6, 2014

Fables #136

Revelations and discoveries are the major theme of the latest issue of the "Camelot" as the Lady of the Lake takes time to clue Rose Red in on some possible ramifications to her attempt to recreate Camelot which include new versions of the feuds that ended's its first run, the possible interference of the Fates, and Rose Red's true purpose in the undertaking.

Fables #136 also finally reveals the identity of the woodsman who, as suspected, is indeed one of King Arthur's former knights, and (far more obscure than anyof the other reveals) offers a revelation for the Lady herself whose own fate is sealed when she comes face-to-face with one of Snow White's sons.

A very strong issue that continues the current story while laying the foundation for ramifications down the line by suggesting the evil to destroy the new Camelot is already in place. The issue also several times refers to the never-discussed parents of Snow White (who could play the role of Morgan le Fay this time around) and Rose Red as having some huge consequences of its own. Worth a look.

[Vertigo, $2.99]

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