Monday, December 2, 2013

Once Upon a Time - Save Henry

With Henry (Jared Gilmore) slowly dying and an even more powerful Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) in control of the young boy's heart, Regina (Lana Parrilla) is able to buy the group a little time while Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) convinces the Lost Boys to help with a desperate plea to save the life of her son and promise to see each of them home as well along with Wendy Darling (Freya Tingley) and Tinker Bell (Rose McIver). In the end it's Regina, and her drive to do whatever needs to be done without regretting the consequences, who rips Henry's heart from Pan's chest and returns it back to her son's chest where it belongs.

On their way home aboard the Jolly Roger with Pan's Shadow providing the ship with its main sail, the imp king makes one final attempt to recapture Henry's heart. Although Rumpelstiltskin (Robert Carlyle) manages to capture his father in Pandora's Box, Pan has one last trick to play as he switches bodies under the nose of of the crew and begins to plot his own revenge in Henry's body. The only question is, how long will he be able to keep up the charade? Leaving Neverland behind, the group is oblivious to the danger they are in.

The episode's flashbacks involve Rumpelstiltskin helping Regina procure a bouncing baby boy and her early struggles with motherhood which cause her to begin a  search into the baby's parentage, momentarily consider giving him up, and eventually turn to magic to protect her own happily ever after. We also learn just how long John (Matt Kane) and Michael (James Immekus) have spent searching for the child.

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