The Flash #25
The Flash #25, a one-shot Zero Year adventure giving us Barry Allen's first meeting with Iris West in Gotham City, marks the end of Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato's run on what for me has been one of the rare highlights of the New 52. In his final issue Manapaul shares the art duties with Chris Sprouse for a Flash adventure that happens well before Barry's accident or his first run in scarlet-colored spandex.
Although it takes place in Gotham rather than Central City, the comic is a nice wrap-up in terms of finally offering us not only Barry and Iris' first meeting but the couple's first kiss as well. The storyline of a highly inflammatory street drug name Icarus, and the corruption of the Gotham Police Department, takes a back seat to Barry's heroic actions well-before receiving the gift of super-speed and his first encounter with Iris.
I'm going to miss Manapual's beautiful kinetic style that fit the character perfectly. And given the continuing disappointment of much of the rest of the New 52 I'm a little scared to see where The Flash goes from here. Worth a look.
[DC, $3.99]
Although it takes place in Gotham rather than Central City, the comic is a nice wrap-up in terms of finally offering us not only Barry and Iris' first meeting but the couple's first kiss as well. The storyline of a highly inflammatory street drug name Icarus, and the corruption of the Gotham Police Department, takes a back seat to Barry's heroic actions well-before receiving the gift of super-speed and his first encounter with Iris.
I'm going to miss Manapual's beautiful kinetic style that fit the character perfectly. And given the continuing disappointment of much of the rest of the New 52 I'm a little scared to see where The Flash goes from here. Worth a look.
[DC, $3.99]